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Siabs Infrared Burner DCeco

Infrared Burner DCeco (Siabs)

Siabs Infrared Burner DCeco


Infrared burner DCeco by Siabs with great cost-ratio performance, functional and compact.

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Product Description


DCeco presents an excellent cost-performance ratio. Light structure and high safety thanks to an automatic electronic system of ignition and flame control. Ideal for the whole heating of large warehouses and anti-freeze protection for machinery, pipes, etc.

DC 4 7,2 kW
DC 6 9,6 kW
DC 8 16,1 kW
DC 10 18,3 kW
DC 12 19,0 & 22,2 kW
DC 16 34,4 kW
DC 10+10 36,6 kW
DC 12+12 44,4 kW
DC 16+16 68,8 kW


Additional Information

Additional Information

Name Siabs Infrared Burner DCeco
Connection voltage 230V
Inlet pressure (mbar) 20
Connection Threaded
Max. Operating Pressure 50 mbar
Estimated delivery 1 week
Manufacturer Siabs
Country of Manufacture Italy
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